Vitamin C serum is a popular ingredient in the skincare world and for all the good reasons. It is one of the most essential part of a skincare routine because it offers a potent dose of antioxidants that can brighten the skin, reduce hyperpigmentation, and boost collagen production. But it’s important to understand how to use it correctly to reap all these benefits. In this blog, we will discuss how to apply vitamin C serum correctly in order to achieve a healthy complexion

Understanding vitamin C serum

Vitamin C serum is praised for its brightening and anti-aging properties. This potent antioxidant fights free radicals, unstable molecules that damage skin and accelerate signs of aging. But what exactly is it, and how can it benefit you?

Beyond brightening and reducing dark spots, vitamin C offers a range of advantages. It stimulates collagen production for plumper skin, helps protect against sun damage, and has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe redness.

To choose the right serum, consider concentration (higher is more potent but potentially irritating), packaging (look for dark, airtight containers), and pH level (ideally slightly acidic).

Dos of applying Vitamin C serum

Vitamin C serum for face is a good approach for radiant complexion. Here are some key "dos" to ensure you reap the maximum benefits of using vitamin C serum:

Cleanse First:

Apply vitamin C serum to a clean, dry face. This allows for better absorption and ensures the serum interacts directly with your skin cells.

Time it Right:

Morning is generally the best time to apply vitamin C serum. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant shield, protecting your skin from free radical damage caused by UV rays throughout the day.

Less is more:

A pea-sized amount of serum is sufficient for most faces. Applying too much can lead to irritation.

Target the Right Areas:

Apply the serum to your entire face and neck, gently massaging it in. Avoid the delicate eye area, where it might cause irritation.

Layer Wisely:

Apply vitamin C serum after using cleanser, but before moisturizer and sunscreen. Vitamin C works best in a slightly acidic environment, and moisturizer helps lock it in. Sunscreen becomes even more crucial as vitamin C can increase sun sensitivity.

Be Patient:

Vitamin C takes time to show results. Consistent use for at least 4-6 weeks is recommended before you see noticeable brightening and improvement in skin texture.

Store it Right:

Vitamin C is sensitive to light and air exposure, which can degrade its effectiveness. Store your serum in a cool, dark place, and consider using a dropper-dispensed bottle to minimize contamination.

Don’ts of applying Vitamin C serum

Vitamin C serum can be a game-changer for your skin, but there are some missteps to avoid. Here are the key "don'ts" of applying vitamin C serum:

Don't Overdo It:

Putting on more serum will not provide faster results instead too much vitamin C can irritate your skin, leading to redness, stinging, and dryness. Stick to a pea-sized amount.

Don't Mix with Certain Ingredients:

Avoid applying Vitamin C with products containing AHAs, BHAs, retinol, or benzoyl peroxide in the same routine. These ingredients have different pH levels that can clash with vitamin C, reducing its effectiveness and potentially causing irritation.

Don't Skip the Patch Test:

Even if you have generally non-sensitive skin, it's always wise to do a patch test before applying any new product to your face. Apply a small amount of serum to your inner arm and wait 24 hours to see if there's any reaction.

Don't Neglect Sun Protection:

While vitamin C offers some sun protection benefits, it's not a substitute for sunscreen. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day, especially when using vitamin C serum, as it can increase sun sensitivity.

Don't Use Expired Serum:

Like all skincare products, vitamin C serum has a shelf life. Check the expiration date and discard the serum once it's expired. Expired vitamin C loses its potency and may even irritate your skin.

Don't Apply to Open Wounds:

Vitamin C, while generally gentle, can sting on open wounds or irritated areas. Wait for any irritation or acne to heal before applying the serum.


Vitamin C serum offers a diverse array of benefits but unlocking the full potential of this ingredient requires understanding how to use it correctly. This blog has equipped you with the essential dos and don'ts of vitamin C serum application. By following these simple tips, you can ensure a safe and effective experience, paving the way for a radiant, healthy complexion. Remember, consistency is key! With regular use, vitamin C serum can become your secret weapon in achieving a glowing, youthful visage.



Serums containing Vitamin C concentration ranging from 10% to 20% are usually well tolerated and efficient.


No, Vitamin C serum should not be used around the eyes as it can cause irritation because the skin around eyes is sensitive.


A 30 ml bottle usually lasts around 2 to 3 months if used on a regular basis.