Skincare Myths 101: Most common ones that need to be busted 

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Skincare Myths 101: Most common ones that need to be busted

Skincare Myth 1 - Chemicals are bad

FACT – It’s understandable that sometimes people believe chemicals are harmful. But is this true? Are natural skin care products the “better” option? Should they use chemical ingredients? Are your skincare products completely free from chemicals? Questions like these can confuse and discourage people from trying something that is genuinely better for them. As a result, these myths must be debunked, and what better skincare myth to begin with than “chemicals are bad?”

When you say turmeric is good for your skin and brightens it, have you ever considered that turmeric itself contains chemical compounds? Turmeric contains 3-6% polyphenolic compounds known as curcuminoids, which are a mixture of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin.These are essentially the substances that provide us with the results we want and maintain the health of our skin. Everything contains chemicals, and not all chemicals are harmful.

Nowadays, when everyone is health-oriented, chemicals are considered to be synonymous with toxins. The fact, however, is that chemicals are in everything – from the food we eat and the air we breathe to the water we drink.

Take Glycolic acid as an example. Glycolic acid is found in sugarcane, milk, apples, and citrus fruits, but it can be used in cosmetics and skincare products only in its synthetic form. It’s not bad for you just because it’s in a synthetic form. Glycolic acid is one of the gentlest exfoliators available, particularly for those with sensitive skin. It’s important to realise that not all chemical products are bad for your skin.

Many people strongly believe that natural, organic ingredients are better for their skin. However, the term “natural” says nothing about the efficacy or safety of a product. A wide variety of natural ingredients are excellent for skin, but the notion that they are the “best” or only option for skin is incorrect. Naturally derived ingredients are not always superior. In most cases, the opposite is true: chemically derived ingredients are often more potent.

Check out : to find out what really is beneficial and harmful to you.

Skincare Myth 2- We don’t require sunscreen indoors

FACT – Many people believe that sunscreen is only necessary when their body is exposed to sunlight, such as when going out or at the pool . Well sunrays can enter your house & haunt your skin! In such cases, sunscreen shields your skin from UV rays, which accelerate skin ageing, and it keeps your skin away from producing too much melanin, which causes pigmentation.

To be on the safe side, apply sunscreen on a daily basis, whether you plan to be outdoors or not. Your skin will thank you for it down the lane.

Some Other skincare myths busted around sunscreen :

Myth – The higher the SPF in your sunscreen the better.

FACT – An SPF 15 blocks 94 percent of UVB rays, while an SPF 30 blocks 97 percent. Whereas, The increase from SPF 50 to SPF 100 offers a negligible difference of blocking 98 percent vs. 99 percent of UVB rays. Higher SPF does not always mean it’s better and it does not make any big difference. Instead, look for the term “broad-spectrum,” which indicates that the product defends against UVA and UVB rays.

MYTH – There is SPF in my makeup. I don’t need to wear sunscreen.

FACT – The SPF level in foundation isn’t quite as high as it advertised to be, and it won’t work as well. Naturally, having additional protection is always a good thing. The amount of makeup you may wear does not equal the amount of SPF that is advised.

MYTH – Darker skin doesn’t need sunscreen

FACT – One must use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, regardless of where your skin falls on the shade chart. Your skin is not completely accustomed to the sun. Whether you get sunburns easily or not, your skin requires protection from both UVA and UVB rays regardless of its colour. The bottom line is that all skin tones and types are susceptible to sun damage and must be protected.

Check out : for more information on sunscreen.

Skincare Myth 3 - Toothpaste kills pimples

FACT – One of the various DIY spot remedies for pimples that people suggest is toothpaste. Although toothpaste has components that are drying to the skin and consequently decrease spots, this isn’t always the best or most effective technique to treat breakouts.

We can instead use a targeted breakout treatment that has salicylic acid, potassium azeloyl diglycinate and other proven spot-fighting ingredients to simultaneously moisturise and repair the skin. Overly dry skin can encourage overproduction of oil, which could lead to more breakouts of spots and pimples. Toothpaste was not intended to be applied to the skin, and its components are not intended to reduce acne-causing bacterial growth.

Skincare Myth 4 - Men don’t need skincare

FACT – Skincare is equally important for men as it is for women. Male skin needs the same daily care. Male skin can suffer from all the same concerns—think acne, ageing and hyperpigmentation. Plus, getting into a good skincare routine can help with dryness, oiliness and simply keep the skin looking its best.

MYTH 5 - The higher the percentage of actives in skincare, the better.

FACT – You don’t need to jump to the highest percentage of an active to fix a skin concern! If anything, this will only cause more issues. Sometimes having too much of something isn’t the best, especially when it comes to skincare. So moderate and keep active percentages at a level that benefits your skin. It’s beneficial to start with a lower percentage of any active so that your skin gets used to it.


(I) Can we apply body lotion on our face?

The skin on your face is different from the skin on the rest of your body — so it needs a different care regimen. The skin on the face is much thinner and more delicate. For eg, facial skin has smaller pores that contain a higher concentration of skin oil glands, making it more prone to acne. Meanwhile, skin on your back and feet is often very thick- this skin has larger pores, and it’s also stronger and more resilient. Facial skin care products and body skin care products tend to reflect these differences.

(II) Can we apply lemon on our face?

Using lemons on your face can do more harm than good. Lemon is quite acidic and can harm your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin, by causing sunburn, dryness, and inflammation. Lemons not just contain Vitamin C but also other chemical compounds which may or may not suit your skin. As a remedy, vitamin C serum is the greatest substitute because it has all the chemical components of lemons without being detrimental to the skin and instead has a number of advantages.

(III) Can we apply fairness cream after sunscreen?

As a general guideline, sunscreen application should come last in your skin care routine. Applying a lotion with SPF after your moisturiser will help block off any strong rays because these products are especially made with certain protective components. In other words, SPF should be applied after a moisturiser. This helps in reducing tanning, improving your skin in terms of complexion because it helps to deal with uneven skin tone.