How To Remove Acne Scars

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Active outbreaks are aggravating enough! But the scars left behind by acne may be downright devilish & people generally have this question - How to remove acne scars? Acne scars can be treated, which is good news. However, before you can start treatment, you must first get rid of any acne for good, as new breakouts can lead to new acne scars on your face. What exactly are acne scars? Acne scars are caused by inflamed blemishes caused by clogged skin pores filled with dead skin cells, bacteria and excess oil. The swelling of the pore causes a follicle wall break. Scars are created whenever a breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues from underneath . Acne scars are stubborn, and there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for them. Depending on the type of scar, your skin type, and the severity of the scarring, one or a combination of the following approaches may help you enhance the appearance of your skin. What are the different forms of acne scars and how can you recognise them? Keloids or hypertrophic scars, which appear as red, firm, elevated papules, and Atrophic scars are two types of scarring seen in acne. Scarring that is atrophic or depressed:
  • Ice pick is a tool with a long shaft that narrows to a point. You’ll find them on your forehead and high cheekbones, where your skin is lighter.
  • Rolling scars usually appear on the lower cheeks and jaw, where the skin is thicker. The skin appears uneven and wavy due to the sloping margins of the indents.
  • Boxcar scars are indentations with sharper edges. Those edges pierce the skin deeply. On the lower body, these scars are prevalent.
Scarring that is hypertrophic or keloid: When the body produces too much collagen as acne lesions heal, the result is a scar, which is a mass of raised tissue on the skin’s surface. Acne scars can be itchy, tender, or painful and can be found on the chest, back, shoulders, and jawline. Where do Acne scars occur? The most common acne scars are on the chest and back. They’re caused by too much collagen during healing, and they rise beyond the surrounding skin’s surface. Acne is the most common skin problem on the planet. It will affect around 80% of adults between the ages of 11 and 30. Acne develops in teenagers as a result of their fluctuating hormones. Stress, the environment, menstrual cycles, oil-based cosmetics, and birth control pills are all to blame in adults, while hormones can still play a part. Causes of Acne scars Acne scarring occurs when acne lesions become inflammatory. The pore wall starts to crumble as the acne pore grows. Minor acne lesions leave superficial scars that heal quickly. Blemishes can occasionally spill their contents into the surrounding tissue, resulting in severe scarring. The following can be the reasons behind acne scarring:
  • Acne is picked, squeezed, or popped.
  • your acne inflamed like swollen, red, and or painful
  • Inflammatory acne is delayed or not treated.
  • Acne cysts and nodules are common examples. This type of acne has a tendency to infiltrate deep into the skin, causing damage.
  • This raises the risk of scarring by increasing inflammation.
  • Scarring is more likely in people who have had inflammatory acne for a long time.
  • Genes also play a significant role.
Oral treatments for Acne scars For more severe cases of acne scarring, doctors and dermatologists may prescribe oral medicines. Acne scars can be treated with many of the same drugs that are used to treat acne. Antibiotics, contraception, and anti-androgen drugs are just a few examples. Isotretinoin is a retinoid that is taken orally to treat severe cystic acne. Retinoids and retinols are vitamin A compounds or relatives that function by accelerating cell turnover and targeting oil production. Isotretinoin should be completely avoided by pregnant women. Retinoids’ common adverse effects include mood swings, light sensitivity, and skin dryness. OTC treatments to remove acne scars:
  • Alpha hydroxy Acids: AHAs are commonly found in acne-treatment products because they aid in the removal of dead skin and the prevention of clogged pores. Even better, AHA on acne scars can help reduce the visibility. The gentle acid helps to erase discolouration and rough skin by exfoliating the outer layer of the skin.
  • Salicylic acid : There’s a good chance you’ve tried salicylic acid to treat your acne before. It’s in just about every type of acne treatment these days, from pads to spot treatments, lotions to face cleansers.
  • Retinoids: Another acne treatment with scar-smoothing properties is topical retinol serum . Retinoids can help minimize discolouration and make scars less apparent in addition to speeding up cell regeneration and enhancing skin texture. When utilizing anything that contains retinoids, make sure to use sunscreen every day.
  • Lactic acid : Lactic acid peels done once every two weeks for three months improved the texture, look, and pigmentation of the skin, as well as lessen acne scars, according to the findings. Lactic acid is found in a variety of peels, serums, and ointments.
  • Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid for acne scars is one one of the most effective ingredients. Scars such as pit scars, boxcar scars, or other typical scars, keep reading to understand how hyaluronic acid can help.
Skincare do’s and don'ts for Acne scars Do’s :
  • After sweating, wash your face twice a day.
  • Take care of your skin.
  • keep your hands away from your face.
  • Apply a soft, non-abrasive cleaner with your fingertips.
  • Avoid using the sun and tanning beds.
Don’ts :
  • don’t over irritate the skin
  • Scars should not be picked at.
  • Acne scars on face should not be ignored.
How to prevent Acne scars ?
  • Getting acne under control as soon as possible is the finest thing you can do. Start treating it right away, and if your acne doesn’t improve with over-the-counter acne remedies, contact your doctor straight away.Scarring can be avoided by avoiding pimples.
  • This can push debris further into the dermis, causing infection to spread to other tissues and exacerbating inflammation. This is especially true for blemishes that are deep and dangerous, such as nodules and cysts. Allow time for the blemish to cure naturally. Take steps to assist, heal and reduce skin damage if you’ve previously picked at a blemish.
  • Large, inflammatory acne blemishes are far more likely than non-inflamed breakouts and blackheads to produce scars. The goal should always be to reduce inflammation and avoid doing anything that irritates your skin even more.
  • Scabs are the skin’s natural “bandage,” protecting the wound while it heals. Picking a scab from a wound before it is fully healed delays healing and increases the risk of scarring.
Conclusion Acne scars can be aggravating, but there are a number of therapies that can help them fade away. Although most scars are permanent, a healthcare expert can assist you in finding the best treatment to help minimize their appearance. The best approach to avoid an acne scar is to avoid it altogether. FAQ'S Question1: What are the recommended in-office treatments for acne scars on face? Answer1: Dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and filler treatments can all be assisted by a skin care specialist or dermatologist. Question2: Can natural remedies help reduce acne scars? Answer2: Natural therapies such as apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, coconut oil, and other products are ineffective in reducing scarring once it has developed since acne scars are caused by changes in the number and structure of collagen and elastic fibers in the skin. Question3: What role does skin tightening play in the treatment of acne scars? Answer3: This is a more recent procedure that is also more cheap. This therapy is suitable for people of all skin tones. Dermatologists frequently utilize radiofrequency technology to tighten the skin. Depressed acne scars become less apparent when the skin tightens. Question4: How to remove acne scars in 10 days? Answer4: Acne scars are deep indentations (atrophic) that can occur anywhere on your body. Healing an acne scar takes quite some time but you should be able to see the reduction in the visibility of acne scars gradually using ingredients such as salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid etc. These ingredients will help in making the skin texture smoother by exfoliating the skin and thereby will lessen the appearance of acne scars. Reference Link: